Posts tagged free-will
If God knew Adam & Eve were going to sin, why bother creating them? (Video)

Why would God create Adam & Eve if He knew they were going to sin? Why not fix the problem before it starts? This question has been asked across the ages. And praise God He gives us the answer in Scripture! But is His answer the answer you would give?

This question is the 2nd of this 3-part series hosted by P4CM during October entitled “Tackling Tough Questions”.

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A Brief Commentary on the Doctrines of Eternal Security & Assurance

What do we do with what appears to be contradictions with the doctrines of eternal security and assurance? The issue of these doctrines (as well as most of the other seemingly contradictory doctrines) rest upon the basis of does Scripture contradict itself.

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The Great Debate: Calvinism or Arminianism

I posted a status some days drew some “militant” Calvinist and Arminians to the surface, and showed why this status was something that so needed to be said. I am writing this blog to address this debate, not for the purpose of who’s right or wrong, but for the purpose of “is this really worth the debate”.

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