Posts in God
If God knew Adam & Eve were going to sin, why bother creating them? (Video)

Why would God create Adam & Eve if He knew they were going to sin? Why not fix the problem before it starts? This question has been asked across the ages. And praise God He gives us the answer in Scripture! But is His answer the answer you would give?

This question is the 2nd of this 3-part series hosted by P4CM during October entitled “Tackling Tough Questions”.

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Our Incredible God Deserves Incredible Worship

Since God can be nothing less than incredible, the worship He deserves and requires can be nothing less than incredible. We are going to skim through the story of Nehemiah, park at chapter 9, and see how our incredible God showed up during then, the incredible worship the Israelites responded with, and how all this relates to us now.

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The "Idea of Love"

In the wake of the Bruce Jenner controversy, I saw many professing "Christians" comment to other "Christians" who disagree—with Bruce Jenner, how the media and society has portrayed it, and what the Bible has to say about it. When these things are written by unbelievers, that's to be expected. There is simply no way a biblically-grounded born-again disciple of Jesus can utter statements like these from their heart. But the problem goes much deeper.

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Do Mormons & Christians Believe in the same God?

A fellow brother in the Faith, added me to a Facebook conversation about Mormonism and Christianity. His heart was to win back another fella we all mutually know who has drifted back again into the Mormon belief. My response was an attempt to simply draw a line in the sand and show how we are not on the same team just with simple differences.

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